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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 19 » Статья. АНТИТЕРРОР.


Основные правила личной безопасности при захвате в качестве заложника

  Терроризм объявил войну мирным гражданам фактически всех государств. Взрывы жилых домов в Москве, захват заложников в здании мюзикла "Норд-ост", что еще должно случится, чтоб наше правительство ввело систему обучения своих граждан способам защиты в экстремальных ситуациях. До сих пор этими вопросами занимаются одиночки-передвижники и некоторые учителя ОБЖ в школах. Да и этот предмет обучения в ранг национальной политики не вошел. Именно по этому мы взяли на себя ответственность и публикуем ряд советов по действиям в условиях, вынесенных в заголовок настоящей статьи.
  Никто, никогда не знает, когда и где его могут взять в заложники. Во истину, знал бы, где упал - соломки бы подстелил. Самым опасным для Вас будет момент захвата. Любой сбой в плане террористов накаляет и без того сложную обстановку. Дай бог, чтоб ни у кого нервы не сдали!
  Следующий период Ваших страхов - нахождение под прицелом террористов пока готовится Ваше освобождение. Захватчики подготовили систему наблюдения и обороны, готовы встретить огнем любую попытку воздействия на них или заложника. Представители силовых структур в это же время разрабатывают планы освобождения заложников, составляют психологический портрет террористов, пытаются вступить в контакт с ними, проводят переговоры. Все это требует времени и об этом следует Вам помнить и не терять самообладания.
  Ну и не менее опасным является период силового освобождения заложников и уничтожение террористов. Здесь существуют жесткие правила поведения, и нарушение их может стоить Вам жизни. В любом случае паника и не продуманные действия могут привести к трагедии, как это было в Мюнхене на олимпиаде, да и в Москве. И так что же надо делать в этом случае:
  1. При захвате Вас в качестве заложника, при невозможности дать полный отпор террористам, следует прекратить сопротивление, как ни странно это звучит, и любыми способами дать знать другим людям о случившемся с Вами. При этом нужно это сделать незаметно от террористов и понятно для тех, кому Вы сигналите.
  2. Старайтесь запомнить как можно больше. Приметы террористов, их количество, обрывки фраз, манеры поведения, вооружение, система связи и т.д. если Вы узнали кого-либо из захвативших Вас людей, не подавайте об этом ни малейшего вида.
  3. Выполняйте все требования террористов, до тех пор, пока они не станут угрожать жизни Вашей или других заложников. И не пытайтесь играть в "Рембо" в этот момент, они это могут не оценить.
  4. Если возникла необходимость Вашей транспортировки в другое место, стойко переносите эти неудобства, максимум они продлятся несколько часов.
  5. Во время нахождения под контролем террористов следует проявлять готовность к контакту и сотрудничеству, но делать это следует так чтобы не вызвать подозрения у них. Человек, оказывавший сопротивление и в дальнейшем идущий на контакт и сотрудничество с точки зрения обычной нормальной логики крайне подозрителен. Помните, что полученная информация может быть использована против Вас или Ваших близких, помогайте себе, а не преступникам.
  6. При допросе стремитесь отвечать односложно. Говорите четко и уверенно. Не затягивайте время ответа. Выдвигая какие либо требования по содержанию заложников, аргументируйте их в форме понятной для террористов. Если с Вами разговаривают, то попытайтесь внести раскол в группу террористов.
  7. Если силовые структуры локализовали группу террористов вместе с Вами, то наметьте себе место или укрытие, которое будет Вас защищать во время перестрелки при штурме.
  8. При первых признаках штурма силовыми структурами следует укрыться в безопасном месте или просто лечь на пол лицом вниз, вдали от дверей и окон, укрыв голову руками. Сохраняйте это положение до тех пор, пока Вас не выведут из здания бойцы группы антитеррора.
  9. Ни в коем случае не берите в руки оружие террористов! Силовики могут в пылу стрельбы не понять Ваших намерений, даже если Вы решили им помочь. Простите освободителей за грубость и жесткость их действий по отношению к Вам, на Вас же не написано, что Вы заложник, тем более что известны случаи, когда террористы, стремясь скрыться, выдают себя за заложников.
  10. Сразу после освобождения с Вами будут работать представители силовых структур и психологи, да и домой Вы не скоро попадете. Пока установят вашу личность, проведут неотложные следственные действия и т.д. будьте готовы к этому.
  Конечно, человек не выбирает время и место ЧП, которое должно с ним случиться. Помните, что всегда лучше предотвратить событие, чем пытаться ликвидировать его последствия. Старайтесь предвидеть ситуацию.

И. Зотов "Омега" 29.11.2002

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1164 JoanSealp  
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1163 RobertSnale  
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1162 Sammydib  
Boeing and NASA decide to move forward with historic crewed launch of new spacecraft
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After years of delays and a dizzying array of setbacks during test flights, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally set to make its inaugural crewed launch.

The mission is on track to take off from Florida as soon as May 6, carrying NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station, marking what could be a historic and long-awaited victory for the beleaguered Starliner program.
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“Design and development is hard — particularly with a human space vehicle,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and Starliner program manager at Boeing, during a Thursday news briefing. “There’s a number of things that were surprises along the way that we had to overcome. … It certainly made the team very, very strong. I’m very proud of how they’ve overcome every single issue that we’ve encountered and gotten us to this point.”

Boeing and NASA officials made the decision Thursday to move forward with the launch attempt in less than two weeks. However, Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate, noted that May 6 is “not a magical date.”
“We’ll launch when we’re ready,” he said.

If successful, the Starliner will join SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft in making routine trips to the space station, keeping the orbiting outpost fully staffed with astronauts from NASA and its partner space agencies.

Such a scenario — with both Crew Dragon and Starliner flying regularly — is one for which the US space agency has long waited.

“This is history in the making,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said of the upcoming Starliner mission during a March 22 news conference. “We’re now in the golden era of space exploration.”

1161 Steventes  
2024 NFL Draft: 5 quarterbacks taken in the top 10 of the NFL Draft for the first time ever
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The 2024 NFL Draft has kicked off with the Chicago Bears selecting USC quarterback Caleb Williams with the first overall pick on Thursday night.

Bears fans at the event applauded Williams as he walked onto the stage to share an embrace with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

This year’s draft could well be be a blockbuster one, with heaps of highly-touted quarterback talents, a potentially all-time wide receiver group and overall value throughout. It’s the first time in NFL history five quarterbacks were selected in the top 10, and there are plenty more teams searching for an answer at the position.
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With teams loaded on veteran players, the draft allows the 32 franchises to stock up on young prospects before heading into training camp to fine tune their rosters ahead of the opening of the new season in September.

Earlier Thursday, NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy said on X 150,000 fans are in attendance at the draft.

Here’s everything you need to know about the 2024 NFL Draft.

There are some years where the crop of quarterbacks coming out of college football isn’t awe-inspiring.

This is not one of those years.

There are a number of potentially franchise-changing signal-callers in the 2024 class, and chief among those was USC’s Williams.

Although he endured somewhat of a down year last season, Williams possesses all the attributes required to be a high-level quarterback in the NFL.

His throwing ability in various scenarios combined with his athletic talents make him the perfect example of the modern dual-threat QB and have led to comparisons to former No. 1 overall pick Kyler Murray.

The 22-year-old Williams has been high on many draft analysts’ radar for over a year now, following his Heisman Trophy winning season in 2022; he broke Trojan records in passing touchdowns, passing yards and passing efficiency that season.

1160 Travisweelo  
2024 NFL Draft: 5 quarterbacks taken in the top 10 of the NFL Draft for the first time ever
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The 2024 NFL Draft has kicked off with the Chicago Bears selecting USC quarterback Caleb Williams with the first overall pick on Thursday night.

Bears fans at the event applauded Williams as he walked onto the stage to share an embrace with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

This year’s draft could well be be a blockbuster one, with heaps of highly-touted quarterback talents, a potentially all-time wide receiver group and overall value throughout. It’s the first time in NFL history five quarterbacks were selected in the top 10, and there are plenty more teams searching for an answer at the position.
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With teams loaded on veteran players, the draft allows the 32 franchises to stock up on young prospects before heading into training camp to fine tune their rosters ahead of the opening of the new season in September.

Earlier Thursday, NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy said on X 150,000 fans are in attendance at the draft.

Here’s everything you need to know about the 2024 NFL Draft.

There are some years where the crop of quarterbacks coming out of college football isn’t awe-inspiring.

This is not one of those years.

There are a number of potentially franchise-changing signal-callers in the 2024 class, and chief among those was USC’s Williams.

Although he endured somewhat of a down year last season, Williams possesses all the attributes required to be a high-level quarterback in the NFL.

His throwing ability in various scenarios combined with his athletic talents make him the perfect example of the modern dual-threat QB and have led to comparisons to former No. 1 overall pick Kyler Murray.

The 22-year-old Williams has been high on many draft analysts’ radar for over a year now, following his Heisman Trophy winning season in 2022; he broke Trojan records in passing touchdowns, passing yards and passing efficiency that season.

1159 SeanNot  
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1158 Josephspalt  
New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

1157 Jamesduemo  
New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

1156 Danielnen  
New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

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